Vanilla Cold Foam Hojicha

Vanilla Cold Foam Hojicha

Vanilla Cold Foam Hojicha

Crafted using our Paragon staple - hojicha, this elaborate drink combines a creamy vanilla cold foam that sits on top of a refreshing and roasty hojicha base. It's smooth, delicious, and once assembled it is aesthetically pleasing!

  • Handheld frother
  • Glass measuring cup
  • Measuring spoons
  • Small cup
  • Medium sized pitcher
  • Serving glasses

Tea Base (Iced Hojicha)

  • 10 tsp Hojicha loose-leaf tea (or 8.5g)
  • 500 ml Room temperature water (or hot water if using the hot brew method)
  • 2 cups Ice

Sweetener (to highlight tea notes!)

  • 25 ml hot water
  • 4 tsp Sugar (or 15g)

Vanilla Cold Foam

  • 80 ml Whipping cream (or 80g)
  • 40 ml Oat milk
  • 2.5 tsp Sugar (or 10g)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt (or 2g)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla extract

  1. Hot Brew: In your pitcher, combine the hojicha loose-leaf and 500ml of hot water. Steep for 5 minutes and strain it into a container and place it in the fridge for 30 min to an hour to chill.

    Cold Brew: In your pitcher, combine the hojicha loose-leaf and 500ml of filtered water at room temperature. Let it steeped for 8 hours in fridge. Strain and set aside.

  2. In one of the serving glasses, dissolve the cane sugar with 15ml of hot water. Portion it evenly between the two serving glasses and set aside.

  3. To make the cold foam: Combine the whipping cream, sugar, salt, vanilla extract and oat milk into the glass measuring cup.

  4. Using your hand frother, froth the cream mixture on an angle for about a minute. The consistency should be creamy and not runny.

  5. Assembling the drink:

    In the two serving glasses, divide the ice evenly. Measure out 225ml of your chilled hojicha and half of the sweetener into each cup.

    Carefully pour over the cold foam over each cup. Stir well before enjoying!

Both methods will result in a refreshing iced hojicha straight tea. You may steep the tea for 8 hours if you have time for a more delicate iced tea, or steep it for 30 mins in hot water for a faster process. Either way, you're moments away from crafting a unique drink in your home cafe.

Dessert, Drinks
coldbrew, creamy, hojicha, hojicha amber, ice drinks, iced drinks, looseleaftea, summer, vanilla

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