The Ultimate Matcha Hack | Matcha Ice Cubes

The Ultimate Matcha Hack | Matcha Ice Cubes

The Ultimate Matcha Hack | Matcha Ice Cubes

If you're a fan of an iced matcha latte, this refreshing twist on ice cubes will leave your tastebuds craving for an extra dose of matcha madness! Add these delicious cubes in your next Iced Matcha creation so you'll never get a diluted Iced Matcha drink ever!

  • Bamboo whisk
  • Small sifter
  • Ceramic bowl
  • Teaspoon
  • Measuring cups
  • Ice cube tray

  1. Over the small bowl, sift through the matcha powder.

  2. Measure out 50 ml of hot water and gently pour into the matcha bowl.

  3. Using a "W" shape motion, whisk the matcha until all the powder is incorporated. There should be small layer of bubbles formed on top.

  4. Pour in the remaining cold water and give the mixture a light whisk. Then, pour the matcha mixture evenly into the ice cube tray.

  5. Place your matcha ice cubes into the freezer and freeze for a minimum of 4 hours or overnight.

  6. Remove the matcha ice cubes from the try and add them to your prepared iced lattes.

Prepare these cubes a day in advance and impress your friends and family during your next gathering! 

ceremonialmatcha, ice drinks, matcha, matchaicecube

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