Iconic Hong Kong Style Lemon Iced Tea
Iconic Hong Kong Style Lemon Iced Tea

Usually served at asian restaurants alongside savoury meals, this classic lemon iced tea is a refreshing and tangy combination that you don't want to miss. Experience the infusion of our fruity yuchi loose leaf, as it comes together with simple household ingredients that enhances the lemon flavours and your palate!
- Microwave safe mug
- Small strainer
- Pairing knife
- Measuring spoons
- Measuring cups
- Serving glass
- 5.5 tsp Yuchi loose leaf (or 8g) (or classic black tea in same quantity)
- 3-4 Slices Fresh lemon
- 325 ml Hot water
- 1/2 cup Ice cubes
Sweetener (Essential for a balanced favour!)
- 4 tsp Cane sugar (or 1.5 TBSP of liquid honey)
- 50 ml Hot water
In the microwave safe mug, measure out the yuchi loose leaf. Gently pour the 325ml of hot water over the tea leaves.
Secure the mug with the lid and microwave the mixture for 2 minutes.
Carefully remove the mug from the microwave and allow the tea to steep for an additional 15 minutes.
During this time, wash and cut the lemon into 3-4 slices. You may cut an extra slice for garnishing.
If you plan to use simple syrup: In the serving glass, dissolve the cane sugar with 50 ml of hot water. Mix well.
If you are sweetening with honey: Add the honey and 50 ml of hot water directly into the serving glass, and mix well.
Add the ice cubes directly into the serving glass with your sweetener, followed by the lemon slices.
Carefully strain the cooled tea mixture into the glass. Give the iced lemon tea a thorough stir.
Garnish with the extra lemon slice and enjoy!
Although we've experimented with yuchi loose leaf, the authentic version calls for classic black tea. We encourage you to give both a try and see which flavour profile fits you the best. We promise, both are refreshing, cooling and tangy with just the right amount of sweetness!