Cozy Honey Genmaicha

Cozy Honey Genmaicha

Honey Genmaicha

There are moments when a straight brew of tea offers the most comfort. Here we've added a hint of honey to one of our favourite loose leaf teas, genmaicha. Relish the notes of roasted brown rice with a hint of matcha and allow the sweetness from the honey to shine through.

  • Tea steeper
  • Heat safe cup
  • Teaspoon

  1. Measure out the genmaicha loose leaf and add it into the tea steeper. Pour in the hot water (about 80 *C) and allow the tea to steep for 2 minutes.

  2. Pour the prepared tea into your heat proof serving cup, followed by the tablespoon of honey.

  3. Stir throughly and enjoy.

Genmaicha offers low-medium caffeine and can provide the energy you need to keep a conversation going, or to stay productive.

genmaicha, japanesetea, jasminegreentea, looseleaftea, roastedbrownrice

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